

Fuji X20 Hands On Camera Review

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DSLRs like the Nikon D7100 offer great quality, interchangeable lenses, full manual controls, all at a decent price. However, the size & weight of these cameras often make them difficult and uncomfortable to carry around. Additionally, they can attract more attention when sometimes, you just want to stay behind the scenes. And to solve that problem and many more, Fuji has introduced the X20, and upgrade from the previous X10, and a new camera in a growing line of popular x series cameras. While this camera trades the larger APS-C sensors for a smaller ⅔” sensor, Fuji has redesigned the 12mp x-trans CMOS sensor to allow this camera to compete on a higher level than other compacts. They also removed the optical low pass filter as a result of the improved sensor technology which should yield sharper images. It should be said that this sensor is still much larger than the sensors found in traditional compact cameras and Fuji does still offer the X100 series for those who still need a larger sensor. Fuji has also coupled this with an amazing 28-112mm f/2 to f/2.8 zoom lens which should help in acquiring great results in low light. So let’s take this camera out into the field and see how it handles.


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